About Me

louis51-9012 (1)Before entering politics, I was a Carnegie Fellow in Astronomy at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena.

I studied the forces that shape galaxies’ lives, causing them to go from small, rapidly growing disk-shaped objects, to big, slowly growing spheres. We don’t know the exact mix, but we think where galaxies are born, the environments they grow up in, and their intrinsic structural properties all affect this process.

You can tell that I see galaxies almost as people. I didn’t take this analogy too far in my scientific writing, but I did see my job as a blend of physics, sociology, and lawyering. Certainly, I enjoyed trying to grab what I could from those other fields.

This is my professional website. I’ll try to put interesting/intriguing things I learn or do here so that you can read about them. That way, you won’t have to slog through stuff like this.

Enjoy! (And let me know if you don’t: I’ll try to fix it!)

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